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April 2015


So we meet again

Well after 2 years of debating about it and blogging daily in my mind, (crazy I know but that’s my internal writer being honest) I finally decided to begin my third blog. My first two mostly to capture my pregnancies of my first two children and give out of town family a way to interact and follow our daily life. This one too will capture pregnancy (teeing) life with babies, toddlers and children as well as our blended family and all the chaos that goes with a big family.



Hey Everyone! I’m really excited about this blog and hope you will follow me through all the twists and turns of life as a mama, life with twin boys, our natural and organic lifestyle, fashion and everything inbetween. I had started a few personal blogs while pregnant with my kiddos to capture those moments but now want to focus on all my passions while being a stay at home mom to my four kids, including the new journey of being a twin mama. Can’t wait!

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